Public Crowdfunding
Bernhard goes on tour - with your support!
Four concert tours are planned from 2025 to 2028:
2025: Switzerland
Concerts in St. Gallen, Basel, Berne, Geneva, Aarau, Chur and La-Chaux-de-Fonds
2026: Canada and USA
Concerts in Toronto, Montréal, Ottawa, New York, Chicago, Vancouver, Los Angeles and San Francisco
2027: Japan
Concert venues will be announced in the upcoming months.
2028: Europe
Concerts in St. Gallen, Zurich, Paris, London, Hamburg, Bonn, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Stockholm and Riga
The organization and realization of the concert tours create high costs of several hundred thousand Swiss francs. These costs are to be covered by requests to foundations, as well as public crowdfunding. Find out more in this detailed brochure (in German)!
Take part in the crowdfunding!
As a supporter, you will receive an exclusive insight into the progress of the four tours via email and/or post - regardless of the amount of your contribution. You will learn about the performances, about people's reactions, and certainly about one or two anecdotes! You will also receive an invitation to the sponsor events that will be held for each of the four tours in St. Gallen (Switzerland). At these events, Bernhard Ruchti will give a fascinating and entertaining insight into the progress of the project and also perform at the piano.
In addition, depending on the amount of your contribution, you will receive the following "goodies":
100-499 CHF: Tour Friend
1 free ticket to a concert of your choice
1 signed CD of your choice
500-999 CHF: Tour Supporter
2 free tickets to a concert of your choice
2 signed CDs of your choice
1'000-4'999 CHF: Tour Patron
4 free tickets to a concert of your choice
4 signed CDs of your choice
Personal Thank You Letter
5'000-9'999 CHF: Silver Sponsor
8 free tickets to a concert of your choice and one private event per tour: "Behind the scenes of classical music and interpretation". Bernhard Ruchti explains and plays a major work from the A Tempo Project. Locaton: St. Gallen (Switzerland). A fascinating insight into the background of classical music - no previous knowledge necessary!
From CHF 10,000: Gold Sponsor
You will receive a private concert in St. Gallen (date to be determined individually). If you wish, you will be given an insight into the financial implementation of the four concert tours. Your contribution will make one of the planned concerts possible. Your name will be mentioned (if you agree, of course) in the evening program of the concert of your choice.
From CHF 50,000: Exclusive Sponsor
Individual arrangement according to the wishes of the supporter.
Donations: How to proceed
Choose your individual amount according to the list above.
Choose one of the following payment methods:
Paypal & credit card:
Bank transfer:
Zürcher Kantonalbank
IBAN CH04 0070 0114 7002 0858 0
Bernhard Ruchti
Eisengasse 1
9000 St. Gallen, SWITZERLAND
Make sure that Bernhard Ruchti has your e-mail address. Specify them with your payment or contact Bernhard Ruchti directly.
A big Thank You to all the supporters!